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Farewell Scott, Farewell to a Piece of my Youth

In 1994, the Summit Park Mall was still mostly full. There was a novelty shop called Spencer’s, which I had spent many hours at, and a place called Enchantments that sold incense, beaded necklaces, weaved string bracelets and tie-dyed shirts. Little kiosks sold earrings and cheap jewelry. There was a video arcade called Aladdin’s Castle that my best friend and I sank ungodly amounts of money in a game called “Street Fighter.” To me, it looked like a glorified bazaar.

The food court had this burger joint called Lulu’s that I went to weekly because their burgers were just short of fantastic. Although on the decline, the place was still busy at times. So on a warm day that summer, with my first paycheck in my hand, I made the walk down to the record store. I forgot what it was called, Cavages maybe? My memory is disappointing me.

I was deep into grunge. When I heard “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana for the first time I was hooked. Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Sponge, I loved them all. I wore flannels and concert shirts, Doc Martens, and my hair was long and unkempt. This was MY ERA. My hostile youth in full swing.

I loved the album “Core” by Stone Temple Pilots, so I was there to buy their follow up “Purple.” I believe it was the cassette tape because if my memory serves me correct, I wouldn’t get a CD player until that following Christmas. That album along with “Jar of Flies” by Alice in Chains, and “Superunknown” by Soundgarden, I switched back and forth in my Walkman that year. I thought 1993 was a great year for music, and 1994 was following up to be stellar as well.

The song “Still Remains” for years had special meaning to me. It is mentioned in detail in my book, “Straight Ahead, In the Dark.” When you’re young, you think you have the answers to everything. Love is a word you throw around loosely because you think you know all about it but you really don’t. If it wasn’t for that song, and certain events in my life, I wouldn’t have realized I had loved the wrong woman for the better part of fifteen years. I have killed so many brain cells listening to that song. But it also showed me I was blind, it’s not THIS woman, it’s THAT woman, DUMBASS.

Today I will take a break from listening to “Happy Christmas” by John Lennon and all this Christmas cheer to listen to “Purple” to pay tribute to Scott Weiland and the little piece of my youth attached to him. “Still Remains” is the best song he wrote, in my humble opinion. Well that, and “Sour Girl,” but I’m getting off topic.

I don’t think John would mind.

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